Thanks everyone for participating, prices coming up soon!
After years of hard work I am finally releasing version 1.0 of Rogue Empire and I want you to join the party!
There are several prizes to be won and many friends to be made!
You can see the main competitions down below!I really hope to see you in the
Rogue Empire's Discord!Late comers allowed!
Streaming Spree!
Discord Meetup!
Do you stream? No matter how small or big stream Rogue Empire and win some prizes!
Enlist as a streamer at Rogue Empire's Discord.
Play and stream one or both challenges during the party and get as far as possible!
Viewers can help you out or harm you if you decide to use the twitch integration feature!
Dawn of Shadows Campaign:

Play the dawn of shadows campaign and get the highest score possible!
There will be 3 winners.
Each winner has to be of a different in-game class.
You can play as many runs as you want!
Your best run for each class will be measured in in-game score will be compared against other streamers by the end of the contest!
While streaming you will be eligible for several raffles for Rogue Empire keys done during the event!
Challenge dungeon:

Play the challenge dungeon campaign and get the highest score possible!
There will be 3 winners.
Each winner has to be of a different in-game class.
You can play as many runs as you want!
Your best run for each class will be measured by how deep you get (on normal) and will be compared against other streamers by the end of the contest! If there is a tie in in-game score will untie it!
Your character needs to stay within level: [dungeon depth] + 6
While streaming you will be eligible for several raffles for Rogue Empire keys done during the event!
Prizes (will be updated):

Meet up with everyone at Rogue Empire's Discord! We will be all there talking about the game and having fun!
We will have competitions for:
Best oh crap moment.
Reach Level 15!
Best Bug Report!Lets face it, they always happen...
Above all lets have fun, share strategies and meet!
Bonus points:
You will getting 3 bonus points in any contest for 1 entry in the game's wiki with screenshot for proof!
Best "oh crap" moment:
Post one or more screenshots of a bad situation in-game! Tell us how it came to pass and how it ended!
Post 1 or more screenshot of the situation: +5 points!
Tell the story of the situation: +5 points!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!
Reach Level 15:

Post a screenshot of your character after reaching level 15 during the event!
Show the screenshot of your character in-game: +5 points!
Show his stats: +3 points!
Do a follow up on levels 20 and 25: +3 points each!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!
Best Bug Report:
Stream winners:A 20 USD Steam Gift Card
​Raffles:Rogue Empire, Dungeonmans or Golden Krone Hotel Keys.

Post any crazy bug you find!
Posting the bug: +5 points!
Adding a proper SS to it: +6 points!
Showing how to reproduce it: +10 points!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!
Prizes (will be updated):

First place on each category:A 20 USD Steam Gift Card
Second Place and third on each category:A Rogue Empire key to gift any friend!

Thanks so much Jim (Dungeonmans) and Jere (Golden Krone Hotel) for providing keys for the event!
If you want to collaborate with a prize, be it a Steam or Amazon gift card or whatever you can think PM me at our Discord.
Apart of my eternal thanks, and as a sign of my gratitude I ll give you a special place at the supporter section of Rogue Empire!