Come join the Party!
January the 19th
from 8:00 AM EST(1:00 PM UTC)
to 2:00 AM EST(7:00 AM UTC)
on Saturday !!!
Streaming Spree!
Discord Meetup!
Get points by playing the game and sharing the juicy stuff with everyone at the party! The more points you get within a contest the more chance you have to win a prize by the end of the event!
So what are you waiting for!? Everybody get in here!!
Do you stream? No matter how small or big come stream Rogue Empire and enter any or both competitions!
Enlist as a streamer at Rogue Empire's Discord.
Play and stream one or both challenges during the party and get as far as possible!
Viewers can help you out or harm you if you decide to use the twitch integration feature!

Eghoss Campaign: Play this 20 level dungeon and get as far as possible!
Streaming​ a play-through in normal difficulty or higher: +2 points.
+2 points per boss beaten. +1 point if in hard setting. x2 point if in timed mode (doubles the amount, meaning +4 points on normal and +6 points on hard per boss).

Dawn of Shadows Campaign: Play the dawn of shadows campaign get as far as possible!
Streaming​ a play-through in normal difficulty or higher: +2 point.
+2 points per boss beaten. +1 point if in hard setting. x2 point if in timed mode (yep it doubles the amount so 4 on normal and 6 on hard).
Kill a merchant: +3 points... careful there.

Each campaign will have 2 guaranteed gifts available which you can choose from if you win:
10 USD Amazon gift card + a rogue empire key to gift.
10 USD Steam gift card + a rogue empire key to gift.
Meet up with everyone at Rogue Empire's Discord! We will be all there talking about the game and having fun!
We will have competitions for:
Funniest in game picture! Can be in the form of a Meme!
Best story: Tell us how you died and/or do some story telling!
And last but not least, my personal favorite: Best Bug Report!
Above all lets have fun, share strategies and meet!
Funniest in game picture!

Post your in-game funny screenshots at the proper channel in the discord! Can also be yourself with your favorite booze or pet while playing the game. Or a funny meme! Whatever you can think of while playing the game! 1 entry per user!
Post a screenshot and/or short video of the game: +5 points!
Add a none game element to it (meme text, cat or whatever): +5 points!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!
Best Story!

Post any worthwhile story of your adventures in the game! 1 entry per user!
Post a story: +5 points!
Add a highlight screenshot and/or short video: +5 points!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!
Best Bug Report!

Post any crazy bug you find!
Posting the bug: +5 points!
Adding a proper SS to it: +6 points!
Showing how to reproduce it: +10 points!
Number of reactions: +1 point for each reaction at discord!
Everyone that participates has a chance to win depending on the points he gathered!

Each contest will have 2 guaranteed gifts available which you can choose from if you win:
10 USD Amazon gift card + a rogue empire key to gift.
10 USD Steam gift card + a rogue empire key to gift.

If you want to collaborate with a prize, be it a Steam or Amazon gift card or whatever you can think PM me at our Discord.
Apart of my eternal thanks, and as a sign of my gratitude I ll give you a special place at the supporter section of Rogue Empire!